Hi everyone,
So, I completed the game, and here are my thoughts.
Also, I apologize in advance if my english is not good, but, it's not my native language, so, please, bear with me^^
Anyway, back to the game.
First of all, I should precise that I'm not a complete fan of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I liked it. Sometimes a lot. But sometimes, it felt a little... meh... But, what I can say is that I was scared. Really scared. Like everyone.
But, overall, I still think Penumbra: Black Plague was better.
And I don't thnink The Dark Descent is the scariest game ever made, as it is stated by a lot of people. Siren: Blood Curse is the scariest game ever made !
So, I wasn't expecting A Machine for Pigs to be the new big messiah of horror games, but I was very interested by the setting and the story.
I have to say that I really liked it. Like, a lot.
Why ? Because the story is simply amazing ! Now, I'm not talking about the actual plot, which was predictable in some ways. I'm talking about what the game is actually talking about^^
I mean, Mandus built this machine to slaughter people because he thought they were going to do horrifying things in the future. He gave up on mankind because he thought we were evil, destined to do evil things. And, guess what ? We totally did. The game really gives you to think about the human condition, your own freaking condition !
When the Machine is trying to stop you from destoying it and speaks about the trenches, the mustard gas, the fallout, etc... it really, really makes you think about what you are going to do, doesn't it ?
Of course, you're not going to let Pigmen rule the world, so you destroy the machine, but, honestly, when I did, a little voice in my head said "the Machine is right, we are pigs"
That is what I simply loved about the game. It was thrilling, meaningful and profound.
As for the game itself, my biggest concern is that the interaction with all the objects was almost removed, but, apparently, it's due to technical limitations, so, I guess it was inevitable.
Unfortunatly, it kills the immersion a little, so that's kind of a big deal :/
Also, the lack of challenging puzzles was a disappointment.
The removal of the sanity, the oil and the inventory isn't that big of a deal for me.
The sanity was there because Daniel had a phobia, so, I don't see why Mandus should suffer from the same thing. Plus, he's at home and goes in his own factory to witness the horrors he created, so, yeah, why should he become mad when he encounters all that stuff that he already knows by heart ?
And I have to say that the sanity effect became kind of gimmicky in The Dark Descent. You know, like the laughs you hear when watching a sitcom. It was like the game actually told me to be scared instead of actually scaring me. So, by the end of the game, it was more annoying for me. A cool thing would have been that the sanity affects Daniel less and less through the game has he kind of gets used to the horror^^
The oil, I didn't care that it was removed because I can't remember running out of it in The Dark Descent. Plus the game takes place 60 years later in London, so, why would Mandus have an old oil lamp in his state-of-the-art mansion ?
The inventory wasn't very useful in The Dark Descent, so that's not that bad.
Now for the scare factor

It's true that AMFP is not as scary as TDD was. But it's still scary.
Honestly, every encounters with the pigmen, man, it just scared the hell out of me.
And the first Tesla Pig. Damn that was terrifying !
The London is Burning sequence was also horrifying to me. I mean, seeing all these horrors, half pig half men, running in the streets and slaughtering people to feed the Machine. How can that not be scary, right ?
But I have to say that, if you've been playing TDD and the hundreds of CS for the last 3 years, I can easily see why you won't be as scared. As for me, I only beated TDD once and never played a single custom story, so, that can be that^^
I also liked that they removed any music when you encounter the monsters (except when they chase you), because I didn't know what to expect. It wasn't the same old "I hear music so there's a monster" routine anymore, which felt refreshing.
But it's true that there's not enough really terrifying moments.
BUT the story, the notes and everything that is told is far more disgusting, horrifying and disturbing than in TDD. So in that aspect, the game is really more gruesome and horrific.
A little side note : I noticed that a lot of people complained about the fact that the monsters don't chase you. I don't know if it's my version of the game, but they did ! I saw someone encountering the Tesla Pig, and the monster was slow and not that much of a threat, but, for me ! Damn, one of them even got me

So, I don't know what's going on with this A.I. situation, but I had no problem with it.
I would also like to say that the sound design and music were just perfect. Yes, perfect.
So, in conclusion, is the game good ? Yes, very good indeed, although I can totally see why some people didn't like it.
Is the game better than TDD ? Well, that's not that simple. You see, AMFP is
NOT TDD 2. At all. It's another story in the same universe, kind of like The Twilight Zone, if you know what I mean.
So, I won't say it's better or worse, but it's different, which is totally fine by me. I mean, why make a game if it's to do the exact same things with new assets, right ? There are plenty of CS to do so, so, yeah, why bother ?
Now, I hear a lot of people saying that this game shouldn't have the name Amnesia on it, and I totally believe it is not true at all.
I mean, what is Amnesia about ? Inventory, oil, tinderboxes and throwing bottles and books over the place ? Or is it about an atmosphere, a universe, a feeling, a state of mind ?
If it was for the first option, well, I do believe that Amnesia The Dark Descent should have been renamed for Penumbra The Dark Descent, because everything was already there.
But if we go for the second one, well, I do honestly believe that A Machine for Pigs truly diserves its name.
It's different. It's a change. But changing is good, because otherwise, we're stuck, so don't be afraid by that. Be afraid by the Pigmen instead^^
Anyway, thanks for reading me!