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What do modders and creators think, from their unique perspective and experience?
Corbent Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

I'm not a senior. But I'm a rational 25 year old human being capable of intellecutal engagement and have myself a solid criteria (or I like to think so). I did enjoy the game and I wasn't bothered at all for the "lacking features". It's just that there's people that's incapable of seeing beyond what's in their face.

I have a whole opnion on the matter right here.

EDIT: Last sentence was a word too long. Lol
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2013, 04:01 PM by Corbent.)
09-13-2013, 03:59 PM
Artyom Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

Spoiler below!

(09-13-2013, 03:49 PM)Descendant Wrote:
(09-13-2013, 03:29 PM)Zandrojakov Wrote: I realized that most of the people that write these things are junior member or regular members, and probably does not have that much knowledge about the engine and game design in general.

Played Amnesia TDD twice, also CS.
Just finished AMFP and I totally agree with 'didn't really "feel" like an Amnesia game'
What I can say is that it's something new/different. And the idea of the plot is brilliant. End of story. now blame me cause I'm junior member.
It's just an opinion. And yes it depends on the knowledge, but not on the member status.

I don't think you understood what I meant... I'm asking for people with experience with creating mods and people who actually knows what is required to do, there's a lot more to it then writing a story and designing a level.

And as for the seniors only, I said this to get the actual seniors opinions (people I've seen here before and I know are capable of creating a mod).
I have never seen you on this forum so how am I supposed to know what your experience is with game design...

- Inactive account -
09-13-2013, 04:00 PM
Strembitsky Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

I literally just finished AMFP a few minutes ago. I fucking loved it. I saw a few posts before it's release saying how shitty it was going to be, but I forced myself to think of it as it's own game and stayed away from all the childish battering of it. I played it through 2 days, and finished it in about 3 hours. I found that I kept talking to myself in the game because I was honestly horrified. Some doors were just too menacing to walk through.

I also FUCKING LOVED the way they made you panic in this game. For example:
Spoiler below!
When you have to fill up a gas tank with fuel to move the truck, and the pigs start breaking down the doors in the room. You panic and just turn the valve for the fuel soooo fast and you're shaking the entire time.
I really, really liked that part because I almost broke a sweat panicking. I was hauling ass while I was simply terrified. It was great!

The ending was also great I thought. Some things could have made more sense to end the game but it wouldn't have been as strong as an ending. The music was literally the most perfect choice I think they could've done. It sent chills down my spine while I was approaching the final area. I loved this game. I loved it as much as I loved any other Frictional Games masterpiece.

Good job, Chinese Room.

(Also, sorry I'm not a senior member, figured I was pretty close though.)

The Nightmares v1.0 - Dreadful Fires WIP
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2013, 04:03 PM by Strembitsky.)
09-13-2013, 04:01 PM
Diango12 Offline

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RE: Seniors only please.

Because you have to have a high post count for your opinions or criticism to be valid. Correlation to bias can be drawn both ways via the bandwagon argument, but would be pointless as this thread is a travesty.
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2013, 04:05 PM by Diango12.)
09-13-2013, 04:04 PM
Janakev Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

Senior members? I've been here longer than anyone in the thread, post count is not an indication of anything (nor is join date but since we're making a big deal of arbitrary details...) except vociferousness. Nine hundred and ninety nine posts of pure tripe don't magically morph into gold on the thousandth one.

(09-13-2013, 04:00 PM)Zandrojakov Wrote: I don't think you understood what I meant... I'm asking for people with experience with creating mods and people who actually knows what is required to do, there's a lot more to it then writing a story and designing a level.

And as for the seniors only, I said this to get the actual seniors opinions (people I've seen here before and I know are capable of creating a mod). I have never seen you on this forum so how am I supposed to know what your experience is with game design...

Oh goody, is this another strain of "you can't criticise creative content unless you too are a creator"?
09-13-2013, 04:04 PM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

Pro tip: anyone can post anywhere they like, regardless of who they are. Just one of those things I guess!!1!!1
09-13-2013, 04:05 PM
Alex Ros Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

In truth I have missed a moment, when I have became a Senior Member. And thus I have missed an occasion to arrange a party and celebrate...

I felt completely in love with a Machine for Pigs. But I would not jump into describing, what is that in particular made me love a Machine for Pigs. Contrary I will point out only things I did not like and only technical sort of things, not storyline:

1. I did not like the lighting throughout the whole game. Absolutely all kinds of lamps were somewhat like a self-illuminated objects incredibly bright, while they were not illuminating the surroundings, the interiors.

2. I did not like those mechanical locks on the doors and cabinets nearly everywhere at the mansion. And I did not like it for a single reason, that there were no such lock that I could use. I am talking about interactivity. I could be satisfied with all those mechanical locks, just present me with an opportunity of using it once. Was it truly so incredible to make an occasion, where I could open one of those locks? Or was it really so tricky to make a scene, where I could lock a door with such a mechanism by myself?

3. I did not like that nearly all of the dynamic objects were puzzle items. It was just like an alarm: "Oh, here I found something that I can take. So this an object I will need to solve a puzzle". It's just made situations predictable. While it was so extremely easy to trick me with a bunch of useless but dynamic objects. And I do know that the number of dynamic objects has been reduced in order to make the game less demanding of computer resources. But I would rather rise the demands of computer resources, then lower the number of the dynamic objects to the point when nearly all of them are puzzles objects, thus ruining the feeling of not knowing what awaits you.
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2013, 04:11 PM by Alex Ros.)
09-13-2013, 04:05 PM
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PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

I think what Zandrojakov meant was people that had experience with creating mods, stories, assets and lighting. Regardless of Junior members.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
09-13-2013, 04:06 PM
Deep One Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

Are posting freaks allowed?

Lack of interaction with the world was the main problem for me at first, but later on I forgot the whole thing because I focused on story. Dan's twisted story, Samuel's sound design, Jessica's music and Wesley Tack's good level design combined together - that's all I can ask for a horror game.


sound design
level design
monsters, especially that Tesla pig
all the machinery (Idk why but I think the old school decontamination chambers were really cool)
no insanity system. Yes, you heard right.


Overally, the game was a bit too linear. I wanted to see more hub-like areas, like the one around the centrifuge.
Lack of interaction with the world
Puzzles were too easy

I think I'll give it 8,5/10. It's not a masterpiece, but not a 0/10 catastrophe as many people say.

EDIT: fix'd the post, typing from phone and it bugged
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2013, 04:20 PM by Deep One.)
09-13-2013, 04:13 PM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: Seniors only please.

Having a thread along the lines of "what do modders and creators think, from their unique perspective and experience?" is one thing. To say no one else can participate is another. Let's not go down that road, eh?

This thread sounds like an interesting slant on things, though. Keep it up!
09-13-2013, 04:15 PM

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