Hello all! I'm a new fan of the Penumbra series. I purchased both of the hardcopies (BP and Overture) for Windows. Well, I THOUGHT BP came before Overture, so I just got done playing Black Plague after finding out I actually played the second one first. I am amazed at how evolving the story line and scares were!!!
Hopefully, I will be able to do some promoting by doing this. I am currently producing an "amateur" youtube review on Penumbra, mainly just Black Plague with a few mentions of Overture. I feel that more people should know about these great titles.
Anyhow, I'll have to find some time to play Overture as well. It seems that I didn't miss out at all story wise, as nothing really happened there that affected the second installments. It seems to me as the story was just a "jump start" to the real thing in Black Plague.
I also wanted to ask the developers if there were any Hard Copies produced for the Macintosh. I like to buy games on the Mac before the PC, but I was unaware of any hardcopies being available. I'm kinda against downloading stuff, I just the kind of person who needs the physical thing in hand. Anyhow, check me out on youtube.
I'm hoping I will be able to get stuff done in a timely fashion, but I'll repost when it all comes out. I'm trying to produce this without having played Overture. If my assumptions are correct about Overture, please let me know. If there is anything I should know about Overture, please let me know. I don't know if I will have time to review it before posting the video because I might be too busy. It seems that Black Plague is the meat and bones of the series.
Questions, Comments, Concerns, please post. I wanna make this video as neat as possible. I am also avoiding adding any spoilers, or puzzle solvers.