So, by already looking at the title of this thread you're probably already got your opinion on this topic. And most likely it is no, being mainly that horror games have never merged into multiplayer while maintaining the tension and just flat out horror that Amnesia and very few other survival horror games have gave us. And, along with the problem with the atmosphere instantly going away with adding multiplayer, to be realistic (i'm not going as far as to say
impossible) it would be incredibly hard to achieve something of this. With a game like Amnesia (And well, with most games.) that doesn't give you complete access to the source code the idea of something of this change to the game seems foolish and undo able.
And to be all out honest, I
don't know for 100% if it is even possible given all the possible techniques to tackle something like this. But, to get to why someone like me would even think of doing something like this is because of the following sentences. First off, we all know how awesome and powerful the HPL tools are. They are awesome in every aspect in building your custom stories to even importing and setting up your own custom entities/models. Now, if so to say multiplayer was implemented you could set up your own server with your map and explore it with your friend and much more.
Now, allot of people's problem with the idea of this is that they don't understand how you could script in scares and etc. But, I have to differ because I can see possible ways you can apply scares with even two people in a atmosphere like Amnesia. But, disturbing atmosphere and scares beside I think it would be just cool to play around with something like this. When I make maps allot of times they are not even pointed in the direction of a scary atmosphere. Instead, I actually make funny maps in Amnesia. (Yes, funny maps. Ex custom stories: Dark Room, Madness, Dark Castle, The Small Horse, It's Hurting My Eyes, House of Creep, Gary Dark Secrets, Nintendo Horror Castle, Baldo's Discovery, Silent Hallways, Gary - Snowy Secrets, and My memories hurt) Even though Amnesia is
NOT meant for this purpose... it almost seems to amplify the hilarity and awesomeness in it.
But, another problem with having multiplayer with Amnesia is that the player (Daniel) is simply a cylindrical body. You can't physically see yourself so in multiplayer you couldn't see your friend and your friend couldn't see you unless there was a way to modify Amnesia that the player could have some sort of model to identify you. And, of course there are other problems such as if there is a monster which player will it follow and the list goes on for a few. But I do believe these problems could be possible solved with a little hard work... but it would not be easy in anybodies eye.
I would have actually not wrote this thread if it was not for this one thing. (
JCMP ) Yes, Just Cause 2 Multiplayer. The guys who made it
IF i'm correct took the game Just Cause 2 (Which does not have the source code for public use.) and turned it into one hell of a fun multiplayer experience. That basically told me even with a game like Amnesia it still might be possible to implement something like multiplayer. (Btw, if you have JC2 you should totally download the mp and play it

) Even though nobody thought these guys could pull something off like this in the beginning they came back after being out of the everyone's eye for a whole year and posted this. (
We're Back! )
The bottom line at what i'm trying to get at here is that I think it would be an extremely awesome and epic experience to do something like this to Amnesia. I think Amnesia has the tools and the community to take this even a step further with the possible creations to be made with the introduction of multiplayer. Being even so if multiplayer was added the single player part will go nowhere. It will always be there for when you want to have that amazing, submersive, scary, and tense Amnesia experience of why this awesome community is even here today. To share are amazing creations and get constant help on anything.
The last thing I thought I should point out before closing the up. If we did get to the point of if we (Yes, the community.) were going to actually make this happen we would have to get permission first from FG before we could proceed with servers and etc. But it should be easy enough because they are always online ready to reply to your pm. And that's why I love FG too. They're always there to help you with anything. So, I hope you enjoyed reading my reasoning's on why I believe it would be very cool to come together and do something like this! Please leave a reply to this in saying what you think.

Thanks you for reading the whole thread! It means allot if even one person reads it!