You need to understand.
When something says "MyFunc" is just another way of saying "MyFunction". Meaning it's a placeholder for the real name of the function.
In the code you found, the name of the function is "CollideGruntCorpse". You can see it's a collidefunction because it has (string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState).
What you experienced in that particular place is probably that the door is colliding with a script area, it calls the function. So it's not when you touch it, but when the door opens.
Therefore this function will not work, unless you set up your level as if you opened a door.
Also, for a script to work you must have in your "void OnStart()" function, a line saying that you want to add a function that creates the jumpscare.
In this case you will be needing:
AddEntityCollideCallback(string& asParentName, string& asChildName, string& asFunction, bool abDeleteOnCollide, int alStates);
If you put this in your "void OnStart()" function it tells the script to add a collide function.
Now you have to fill in all the data that it needs.
You can get explained what the different things mean here:
Press Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to search for the specific function: "AddEntityCollideCallback", to find it.
Do you understand?
Trying is the first step to success.