I won't quote you guys in this reply since it would have covered the entire page almost..
But I see what he means, and I don't really take it personally even if he's quite rude to a beginner.. I know I'm not any good at mapping and such.. BUT, you learn from your mistakes, don't you?
I started a couple of days ago to create Custom Entities in Maya and successfully imported them into the Level Editor.. So I guess I'm at least making some progress?
This was as I mentioned a school project, we just didn't have time to create any bigger map or any advanced story.. It took time enough to just learn the Scripting and all that. (Cred to Mudbill for his lovely tutorials by the way).
In our school project our goal was to to make a fully playable Custom Story with a video trailer presenting it. And as I can see we did it? So for us this is a success, while for you it's a kind of disappointment I guess..
One thing's at least for sure, the next CS I'll make will be better. Because this time, I got no deadline, I got more knowledge, I can think bigger and make lots of Custom entities. Maybe even a full conversion. (And not use jumpscares, I hate them myself but since this was my first story I had to try it

Anyway, I'm happy to at least get some replies. I didn't really see all my faults from the perspective as you did.
I would really appreciate if you could just download it and give me some constructive critic. It would mean a lot to get some + and - from a professional's perspective!
If you want you can just take away the scares from the script/map files and just go through the maps (it's 3 map files) and tell me how to improve that way?
You'll probably see more of me here on the forum, and hopefully with some improvements and good custom contents.