I would like to ask if any of you know of a good system to use for a setup like the one I have.
As I mentioned in my previous thread, I have a 5x5 grid of rooms. Each room has a door to the room next to, but how should I go about naming these doors to use in a proper system for the script? The setup looks like this:
Currently I have each room named as what the co-ordinates would make out. For example the middle room is called
x3y3 and so on. But the doors can't follow that exact system because there are several in each grid, all sharing with the grid next to. I can't name the doors x1y1 because if you understand the picture, that would conflict with other doors.
Do you have any ideas as to how I can organize this into a system? Preferrably something with numerals that are easy to incorporate into a script.