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Overture/ Black plague/ Requiem. Wanna hear more clarence?
Tommy Gun Offline
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Overture/ Black plague/ Requiem. Wanna hear more clarence?

I am ever so the free roamer, as i browse through the sound folders, i come across speech and voices.
Inside, i hear clarence yapping on about something (baseball?) that wasn't in the game.
I think there are some stray dialects in overture and requeim to, so to anyone who wants to listen to clarence talking to himself, or red mumbling about x and y, go to c:-prgram files-paradox interactive/penumbra-sounds-(voices?)... and enjoy.
Oh and by the way, you will need ogg vorbis to run them. the download link is:


size: 266 kb

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12-12-2008, 09:37 AM

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