I just re-bought Requiem/Black Plague on steam for 2 reasons:
1) B/c the DRM on the first one I bought prevented me from ever playing it >
2) I'm voting with my dollars

I know it's not totally up to you guys, but maybe now that you have 1 game released on steam, it will be easier for you to get your new games released on steam! It is the only download service with DRM that *works*. It doesn't screw paying users.
And I will absolutely buy Overture again if it is released on steam

B/c I want to support you guys *and* b/c I couldn't even play it again if I wanted too b/c of the crappy download service I bought it form last time

OH one last thing, any plans on enabling the penumbra games with steam cloud?
That would just be awesome to have our save games saved