Hello everybody,
When I try to load my custom story (since yesterday night), Amnesia keeps crashing before loading with the same error message.
Attached files are :
- The Blackbox error message displayed when I tried to load it
- The Crash Report from the Windows Error Reporting tool
- The DXDIAG Report about my Laptop's configuration
- The HPL.log file after the crash
Could somebody tell me why it crashes like this only with my custom story?
Thanking you by advance for your help.
Attachments :
AmnesiaDarkDescent_ErrorMessage.png (Size: 17.58 KB / Downloads: 206)
DxDiag.txt (Size: 48.32 KB / Downloads: 287)
hpl.log (Size: 3.29 KB / Downloads: 228)
AmnesiaCrashReport.txt (Size: 954 bytes / Downloads: 209)