Here is the desktop Lamp you guys wanted.
There are some extra's as well.
Created also some slow\fast flickering ones and some others, be free to check \use them.
The one YOU GUYS wanted is called :
And the one with the FLOWERS is :
As you can see, i've been creating these lamps for Raidex from the forum before.
Just add this folder to your story\mod.
Select it in the leveleditor : go to Amnesia\YOURMOD... you probly know how it works

Enjoy and let me know if you liked it.
Greetings from me.
Yeps i do. Ill send them asap.
Here are the MFP-WALL_LAMPS.
I have created several kind of types.
Fast flicker\
There are plenty enough for everyone i think.
Enjoy and just credit me ( IF i do a lot of work \ puzzling \ editing please )