i'm making a amnesia story with dreams... so after unlocking a door with a key named (key for witness) you will go to a... like a 3x3 room... normally they place (3) PLANKS on door to break it with hammer... o rotated it to the ground... so how can i do the script.. if i walk onit (with area i think) it will break ( and if it breaks you will teleport to an another map!) i searched over the whole google.! but i didn't find... and... in a amnesia story i saw a WONDERFULL white lighy shining ... (bottom) i liked to place this Wonderfull light to Under my planks... do somebody know where it is ? (with catogory?)
EDIT : just leaf the light thing xD i just used some sparkles with effect

but the plank break script.. can someone help me ??
double edit : that light thing... he used billboard -_- no i'm using it to
