while this may not be a help question
can someone show me some script tht would be used in a basic CS...like someones first custom story...i have never got to finishing a CS cause i get frustrated while doing the code like void's and stuff like that...i dont know when i need a callback or when i need to make a new void...tht is the stuff tht makes me the maddest...also how long does it take to make a regular custom story???
also when im dealing with monsters or breaking doors or patrolling monsters...or just making something a simple as a not or a letter i get rlly mad cause i understand 0% of what im doing...

if someone can help me understand more of what im doing PLEASE do...i also dont know how to make the player look at certain things...also the sound triggers, i dont know how to do that...i put in a sound from the sound category from the HPL editor and when i put it into the game in a certain location it playes as soon as i enter the map or another level...the one thing that gets me though is outside maps...with the night or day sky...clouds, hills, trees, falling trees, or seeing the outside of my building form the outside...Someone PLEASE help!