(07-14-2014, 10:55 AM)Lazzer Wrote: So you have 2 ways:
- Find someone who can make you these models, by paying him
- Or, learn how to model.
Modelling takes a lot of time and nerves, sure, if you would want to have someone to model you something plain, like a I dunno, let's say key perhaps, you would surely find someone here. Though, making a human models, rigging, and animating them takes weeks, or months - a lot of time. These days time = money. But I wish you luck in searching though. 
As I said before I sadly can't pay people. I'm well aware that modelling is not a easy job and since I have no knowledge on how to model and along scripting,making levels and playtesting on my own I can't do every thing. I wish I could model but I'm like scripting,level editing from the morning to the night almost from the end of may.
(07-14-2014, 11:28 AM)Juras Wrote: Like Lazzer says, making human models (which requires alot more skill than to model something that's hard-surface and simple, like a key for an example), texturing it, rigging it and animating it takes quite some time and it's not something that will people will do for free as it requires alot more skill, knowledge and time than other typical services that you can find for free from people who like to help. I myself would have the skill to make a citizen model and animate it for you and it would take around 1-2 weeks but like I said, this type of work requires a reasonable payment unless you're super lucky and find someone who would do it for free. I have never seen anyone on the forums do this kind of work for someone for free. There were few members that shared a monster or two though that they have made for the community which I'm also planning to do in the end of summer, but that's pretty much all there's been.
I understand that you are young though and can't really pay but that's why I think you should look for someone who could re-texture the existing citizens for you as Lazzer said. It's alot more likely that you find someone who would do this if your project is intresting and good enough, and if you find someone really good at re-texturing, he/she could probably make a model look like it's a new and different model just by changing the texture.
Anyway, I hope you find someone who can help you with this matter and good luck with you project! 
I would love to pay people like you to make models from but as said before. I admit I'm asking for bit too much for 4 different models with textures/animations but a simple tweak like Lazzer suggest removing the gent's hat would great. I'm kinda paranoid when comes to re-texturing probably because my experience of playing half life 1 and 2 mods with half assed retextures but if there's anybody willing to do tweak or retextures that will be great or even solve the child moonwalking glitch I had.