I tried opening maps from mfp in the lvl editor, I just wanna look around and it appears to be that every entity keeps going to full size and some walls or entities are invisible, I have every entity/static object from mfp and deleted the msh files too and everything so I don't know what's causes this annoying thingy. Here's a pic of an example:
the ones that i see often that go huge size are "tesla_props_pipes_01_corner.dae"
Whoever finds the problem to this situation deserves a pat int he back.
I am going to make mfp maps that work in amnesia, with mfp sounds, music, events everything just to test it in amnesia!
I mean why is every walls dissappearing too, some mfp walls do but some don't and I'm loading these from my mod!
Every entity messes up, like stairs they rotate differently and weirdly!
I even tried to resize them but doesn't work!