(08-16-2014, 04:48 PM)Amnesiaplayer Wrote: hellooo
i'm busy with my long-amnesia story...
and i'm making a cellar... and EVERYTIME when i play a custom story i hear a music... of cellar.. it is scary and brains.. Cracking music... i can't find this one! can someone help me ? 
What do you mean by brains?
When you say cracking, do you mean the creaking sound of creaky wood steps?
If so you need to put this in an hps file!
Shit can't find any in any cs, I haven't even coded for like idk 1 month? ughhh
I srsly forgot how to code f$#&* me in the A hole, well just great ummmm,
Let's wait for somebody else to give you the code shall we?
First let's do the basics:
1. create a txt file and rename .txt to .hps
2. now name the hps file the same name as your map
3. wait for somebody to give the code on the forum or wait until i remember this code because I suck for having such a disgraceful fudging bad memory!
and after they find the code for you then you can put it in the hps, all done
somebody haaalp this guy, I'm having a brain attack here "DNALANGEEEEE!!1, ROMULATOR, NEELKE, LAZZER lol"
Edit after trying to calm down:
I can remember just this code lol, if you want scary music to play in your cellar then you could firstly put a "void OnEnter in the beginning of your hps and then create oh fucck this"
Here you go, just download this ready hps file" and just put any music file you want to play in this map
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I miss makin a cs but I'm too damn lazy and I deleted my first cs because I suck and then I lost a Dnalange guy and then everything is happening! sad face
haha I'm sorry but I just have nothing else to do today so yeah but srsly I really forgot how to code ughh all i know of what you want needs a timer