So I've been trying to fix this stupid problem for weeks now and still doesn't wanna shutup!
Here's what I did, I removed everything amnesia related on my pc and reinstalled amnesia fresh and clean but still doesn't work, replaced them with my friends's static objects and still doesn't f****** work!
The problem is I have these 2 messed up static objects which are the grating and wood_short from cellarbase and I did not install any patch after I reinstalled amnesia, fresh and clean as I said first but still keeps happening!
I even tried to go in the model editor and make them straight again or how they're supposed to be and guess what??
Still doesn't fudging work, I can't play any custom stories because of this, idk what's causing this stupid damn problem, here are some few pics of what's goin on with my life
Help is really appreciated!
This is the 6th time I reinstalled it cause of this stupid piece of problem!! AGGGGH