Finished up a little more details on the dude.
Just some touch up on some muscles and stuff. His arms still look like bricks though.
I retopologized him also, (
The 3 bottom guys are it) with a basic biped rig. His hands look stupid because I have yet to rig them up for animation, that is next on my list.
And lastly trying to figure out how to animate the dude.
To any fellow animators, if you made a Rig whether it's based on your own style or using a tutorial. Is it annoying to position or tweak the bones? (
I'm using a IK rig)
With the current tutorial I'm using, it gets annoying when the arms/legs get close to the body, and rotating or moving them just makes the elbow/knee IK bones rotate like mad.
I'm using this tutorial for my Rig.
You can see at the beginning of the final Rig he makes. Would this be a standard rig that you guys would make? (
Up to the point of the Body + Fingers. I currently have no face/eyes or toes to worry about.)
Could you suggest some tutorials on better rigs that would be better for a bipedal human?