Hey guys! Man, haven't been here in so long. Used to come here to advertise my never finished custom stories

haha and of course check some others out. I have recently taken up streaming on Twitch, and was thinking maybe you guys would want to come and check it out!

Sadly, I'm done streaming for the night, but I will be streaming again tomorrow around 9ish EST time, that being said, stop by around that time if you would like to see me play some Penumbra: Overture with webcam! I'm only 16 years old, 17 soon, so hopefully that doesn't discourage you from stopping by and having some fun.
My twitch can be found here!
If you want to see if the stream would be something you like, then you can check out
tonight's stream of Penumbra that I just finished, as well as my highlights of various games
found here if you want to see some of my best moments! Anyways, hope you stop by and have a good time tomorrow