I LOVED Reqeium! I liked the ending to it. If you played from the first to the last (I have tech issues with BP but I was soo close to the end I YouTubed it) of the series then you will understand what the endings are all about in Reqeium. The story is really interesting...
I mainly liked it because it REALLY gave you the sense of being alone. Plus all that puzzle solving without enemies was really fun but still spooked the hell out me. I believe those puzzles represent Phillips mind and unlocking his ability to control his fate.
It would have been nice if the whole series was like Reqeium. However it would have been nice to keep the first two with the same obstacles and puzzles. The enemies were really just a scare tactic but most of the game for me was the mystery and story behind the whole thing. This series reminds me of Cryostasis which I did not care for too much because it was linear gameplay the whole way through. The enemies in that game were unnecessary as were they for the first two Penumbra's. I agree it was something new where instead of fighting you hide and outsmart but then again they are on set routes and paths and are easy to avoid anyways. Thus making the enemy element more or less a time consumer.
I would rather have more complex puzzles and mystery to solve and more story and maybe the occasional trippy part that messes with your head, also more dialogue in the next game Frictional decides to make wether it be another Penumbra or another title completely.
Thanks Frictional for the complete mind job! It was well worth it and rewarding as well. From now on and whenever I play this series I will be paranoid and jumpy till the day I find another which maybe a long time seeing as how this was the best I have seen yet.