So a few weeks ago I finally had time to sit down and play Requiem. (Funny - you should have more free time in the summer, right?).
Anyways, I didn´t know what to expect. I knew that there was going to focused on physics puzzles (which I enjoy to great degree). But I had also gotten the impression that many here didn´t like it...
But I did enjoy Requiem a lot. I was a bit disappointed though, I had wanted to know a little more about the story than we did... I did really like the puzzles though, even though some of the jumping puzzles were frustrating in a bad way. The key collecting and the base annoncer woman breaking the 4th wall did not bother me.
But now I´ll get to the point of this thread. When I played Requiem, I assumed that all of it was just Philip's dreams (hallucinations really) as he is descending into his own mad, little mind while his body is withering away from dehydration...
But is that really what is happening? I have been thinking about this and come to a different conclusion. Have any of you played System Shock 2? Remember that early in the game, there is a cut-scene, where the villain tries to persuade you to join him. This cut-scene ends with the villain threatening the player: "...we will rend you apart and put you separate."
What if the Tuurngait works the same way? What if the Tuurngait hive mind is compartmentalized and has a special quarantined place for those infected who cannot quite let go of their individuality? So basically Philip's mind is trapped with the other almost-infected minds somewhere inside the Tuurngait hivemind, but separate from the infected who joined the Tuurngait...
Am I making any sense? Do I have something here or am I just over-analyzing?
