(06-20-2015, 10:18 PM)TheDoctorPoo Wrote: (06-20-2015, 05:56 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Don't want to pay more than 10 euros for a DRM game.
What is a DRM Game? I iz confused.
DRM means Digital Rights Management*. ( There buddy, I fix'd it for you )
It's a thing on video games which approves or disapproves of someone distributing the game to their friends once it is purchased. A game considered DRM-Free allows such freedom.
Any, if not all, games on Steam are DRM protected, since they are linked to your account. However, a copy of Super Hexagon off the Humble Bundle Store is DRM-Free, which means it is not linked to your computer or account, and you have permission to give it out to others.
Well, actually, don't give the game to others :p install it amongst a few of your computers or systems.