(05-30-2015, 09:59 PM)Darkfire Wrote: I think that FG is trying to deliver an experience. Carefully crafted one. And when you create a random generated level, the game pretty much has to concentrate on the gameplay. Well, at least in my opinion 
(05-31-2015, 12:19 AM)213 Wrote: procedurally generated content is extremely bad idea for anything related to gameplay. there's no supervision and the complexity level goes away down since no intelligent human input can be used to "handcraft" the designs and mechanics.
I am not sure I agree with either of these statement. Monstrum has its problems, but I think the idea is very sound.. it just need work.
@Darkfire - Story is node based. In Anmesia for example there are a few barriers to cut the game into sections and various parts of the game occur when you enter a certain room or complete a certain puzzle. Procedural generation wouldn't affect that in any way. It is only how to get to these story nodes that would be different.
@213 - You can make much more complex structures through procedural generation, this is in fact what it is originally designed for. To create vastly complex structures that would be impossible for people to make manually. Also remember that procedural generation is not the same as randomization. You can incorporate rules and switches into it that can assure that you never get dead ends, or that a pipe system continues to a point where it logicality stops. You can have entire hand crafted rooms for story nodes that are not procedural and are built traditionally which are just connected to the procedural content. You can have multiple passes during the creations, to make sections. So one section might be a forest but you could move into a cave. etc etc
The thing is that as much as I love the Frictional Games games.. lol that sounds funny to say that way... anyway, as much as I like the game I feel there is really no repaly value as the exploration is what the entire game experience is based on. The scare though the unknown. It seams to me that a system like this, if done correctly would remove that problem completely.