Puzzles in SOMA: your views [may be spoilers]
[Post your comments on puzzles here, but please place specific puzzles in spoiler tags.]
Having played the Penumbra series, as well as A:TDD and A:AMFP, I have to say the puzzles in SOMA are a significant advance on all previous games. Not only are they more common, they are also more varied and they are more challenging. They have also been extremely well integrated into the world environment so they all make perfect sense and don't feel like a tacked on delaying mechanism, or just filler.
In addition to the "true" puzzles, I have also enjoyed the navigation challenges; the kind which require you to find the way to open the door (or something similar), which will take you to several locations and involve locating a couple of objects, and interacting with one or two terminals. And all along the way I'm wondering "Is this right?", and "Will I end up making a mistake?".