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Massive drop in frame rate when entering a new area that doesn't get better

Solved: 8 Years, 11 Months, 2 Weeks ago Massive drop in frame rate when entering a new area that doesn't get better
I ran into this issue initially as I entered lambda and got the female in my omnitool, but I updated my graphics card drivers and that fixed it. I'm using a GTX 560 Ti on a fucking ancient install of arch linux that has a bunch of broken things, i mean my fucking lxde toolbar just disappeared while i'm in firefox wtf... SOMA only works every now and then in xmonad, seems like it depends on if I feel like it'll work, see my previous thread for stuff about that.

Anyways now I'm at delta and as soon as i leave the aux station it grinds to a halt. It was nearly 60fps before and then all of a sudden it drops to about 1fps with no end in sight. I'm probably gonna do a reinstall on this machine cause it's obviously fucked but maybe this is problem that someone else has or the devs want to know about?

Here's my hpl.log in case you like scraping logs despite the missing environment and hardware
11-09-2015, 05:12 AM

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