I'm still amazed at the sheer number of pc gamers I talk to every single day in message boards that have never heard of Penumbra. TBH, I had never heard of it until news of a patch made it to Bluesnews.com. I downloaded the black plague demo and was instantly hooked. I bought overture from the frictional store, black plague from Best Buy, and Requiem from gamersgate. Then when steam had the entire Penumbra pack on sale for $5, I bought them all again for myself and also for my brother. (I also steam gifted two copies during the recent holiday sale on steam)
I saw the thank you notes on here and on steam during the sale back in June of last year and my heart really went out to you guys. I would've thought that such amazingly scary, fun, and unique games would've sold themselves well enough without your company having to be in a precarious financial situation. Of course it didn't help that one of your publishers decided to cheat you guys. I'm glad the sale helped though, and I trust future publishers will treat you all better.
What I am trying to get at is I think a great way to market Amnesia prior to it's release would be to have another big discounted sale of the Penumbra pack. It would be a great way for us fans to more easily spread the word and no doubt the amount of active purchasers on Steam, D2D, etc. has noticeably increased since the last sale nearly 9 months ago so I'd imagine sales would still be fantastic when compared to last June.
You guys have probably thought about this already, and this is more or less a fan message meant to say I'll do all I can to spread the good word. But nothing helps like (another) great sale!
