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Blog: "Horror Tip: The Statement of Randolph Carter"
Thomas Offline
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Blog: "Horror Tip: The Statement of Randolph Carter"

One of my favorite stories by Lovecraft. It's short a nice introduction!

03-04-2010, 08:03 PM
Yithian Offline
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RE: Blog: "Horror Tip: The Statement of Randolph Carter"

Please excuse my English ....
Yes, The Statement of Randolph Carter is a very interesting short story. My other favorite stories, which are short, are for example: Dagon, The Outsider, The Nameless City, or Festival, etc. Fear of the unknown, pain and damnation - events for which the best remedy is sweet oblivion. However, my most favorite stories is The Outsider, The Shadow Out of Time and Colour out of Space ....
Still I would add - His poems are excellent, too. Lovecraft's poetry is very colorful, Kaleidoscope of awe ....
It is noteworthy that the atmosphere of your game remind me a story from Edgar Allan Poe, Berenice. Environment of gloomy castle, the story of madness .... If I bother you, I apologize
http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/text...11-glm.asp - In this letter, Lovecraft describes the dream that inspired him!
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2010, 10:37 PM by Penumbraftw.)
03-04-2010, 09:45 PM

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