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Humble Indie Bundle Question
stormy Offline
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Humble Indie Bundle Question

Hey all, I picked up the Humble Indie Bundle last night which has Penumbra: Overture in it, and after about an hour or two of gameplay, I'm really blown away by it. The premise sounded good in the description, but I hate to admit, I didn't think it would be anywhere near as good as it sounded. It is, and I'm greatful.

Now I see on the Frictional Games website that the Bundle comes with a code to pick up the Penumbra Collection for $5, and it sounds like an awesome deal, so I was just wondering if anyone knows where the code would be? I've received two emails, a paypal receipt and one with a download link, but I don't see the coupon. Is it maybe tucked away with the game's installed files?
05-08-2010, 01:43 PM
jens Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

The coupon is display in the text during installation, if you are on Windows or Linux, then it also installs a read me file with discount in the name that contains the coupon. If you are on Mac, the text file is on the disk image.
05-08-2010, 02:24 PM
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stormy Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

Thanks! Guess I completley missed it because I've gotten used to just skipping over text boxes like that. I'm assuming one day I'll click next on the EULA that says I swear my unending allegiance to the overlord, and that will be it for me Smile
05-08-2010, 03:27 PM
Tuckinator Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

Hi guys,

Absolutely loving the game. First heard of it in the indie bundle and had so much fun with it.

I was hoping to buy the games through steam, but i'm not sure if there's any way to do that with the promotional code included with the bundle? Or can the code only be used in your store.
05-08-2010, 03:54 PM
jens Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

It's for our store only, the collection was available on steam for 5 USD last year, so it might happen again.
05-08-2010, 04:22 PM
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Conan Kudo Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

I bought the bundle, and I'm happy with the game. I'm buying the collection for Linux, but in the future, will I be able to use Windows or Mac binaries with my license codes for the whole collection? I'm not sure if it is possible or not...
05-09-2010, 04:12 AM
jens Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

I the near future no, in the far unknown future it might be changed!
05-09-2010, 08:12 AM
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bearcdp Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

That's kind of a bummer, I'm spoiled by the bundle!

I think it'd be worth it to have the cross-platform availability, even if you raised the price a little as a consequence. In the meantime, I suppose I'll get it for Mac. Unless . . . is there a platform that's optimal for it to run on? Your game is amazing, and I am looking for the best experience there is with it.

Seriously, I wish I had played this game before, looking forward to Amnesia!
05-12-2010, 02:21 AM
jens Offline
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RE: Humble Indie Bundle Question

Maybe Windows would be the most optimal as the game was created on Windows. But the ports are solid and works really well, perhaps with slightly less performance.
05-12-2010, 05:47 AM
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