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Abion47's PoC Master Thread
Abion47 Offline
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Abion47's PoC Master Thread

Hey, guys. Abion here.

As you guys may or may not have noticed, I've been doing an awful lot of tinkering on various aspects of the HPL3 engine and have put up a fair share of different threads talking about them. It's been suggested to me that, in order to help myself organize as well as provide quick links for people who want to see what I've been doing and how I've been doing it, that I put up this thread as a sort of master list. So I thought, "Well, alright I suppose."

Mods I've Worked On

I won't include every mod that I've helped out on even a little bit (because there are quite a few of them), but these are the full mods that are either my own or that I'm actively helping to develop.

PoC Series

My PoC Series (stands for proof-of-concept) is pretty much a bunch of sample maps where I deal with exploring and implementing a single concept.

Sample Projects

These projects aren't strictly a part of my PoC series, but they are more serious excursions into what the HPL3 engine is truly capable of. Considering that, I'd be remiss to not include them here as well.


During my exploits, I've learned a lot about how to do various things with the HPL3 engine (some that is done in SOMA, and some that isn't). If the interest is there, I can put together tutorials or tutorial series' for when the topic is a bit more complicated than can be adequately explained just by putting up some source code.

Now, I'm always looking for ideas on what to work on next, so if you guys have any suggestions, post them here and I'll see what I can come up with. Smile

(A note on downloading the project files where it is available. Whenever I make a mod available for download, I will always put it on Steam Workshop first. I try to make stuff available on ModDB as well, but because of ModDB's system, it can be difficult for me to put single projects there at a time, particularly for smaller mods like entries in my PoC series. Generally, I wait until I have at least 4 mods that I can then package together to upload to ModDB all at once. If there is a great enough demand for any particular mod, then I can see about uploading it separately.)
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2017, 09:53 AM by Abion47.)
01-24-2016, 05:44 AM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Abion47's PoC Master Thread

Stickied Smile

Discord: Romulator#0001
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01-24-2016, 06:19 AM

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