This is all script file:
void OnStart()
AddUseItemCallback("", "key1", "door1", "UseKeyOnDoor", true);
AddEntityCollideCallback("ScriptArea", "Player", "Skrypt1", true, 1);
void CallbackName(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
SetMessage("MessageCategory", "MessageEntry", 0);
void UseKeyOnDoor(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetSwingDoorLocked(asEntity, false, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door.snt", asEntity, 0, false);
SetLocalVarInt("Switch", 1);
CompleteQuest("door1", "mementos1");
void TouchDoor(string &in asEntity)
if(GetLocalVarInt("Switch") == 0)
AddQuest("door1", "mementos1");
And Lang (i no write my text, you know

<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description"> Description custom story </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_voice_Name">Name Note</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_voice_Text">[voice Voice1.ogg][br] Text</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_mementos1_Text">I must find key in bathroom.</Entry>
----------Nazwy I Opisy Przedmiotów----------
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemName_KeyDesc"> Bathroom Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_KeyDesc"> Old, dusty key. Used of peple thereof manor house.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="CategoryName">
<Entry Name="EntryName">My text</Entry>