(04-04-2016, 02:31 AM)Romulator Wrote: Well, my first question would be "were you wanting to import AAMFP's door sounds as well?". If so, you'll need to go through AAMFP's files and locate the sounds for the door and copy them across so TDD's resources file can locate them.
If you just want TDD's door sounds, open up two Model Editor windows. In one, load the AAMFP door, and in the other, load a door from TDD. There is a User Defined Variables window or similar using one of the top options. Open up the variables on both objects, and copy over any sound text boxes from the TDD window to the AMFP one. Save the AMFP door, and that should fix them.
Ok thanks a lot. I will see if I can find the door sounds, I had a quick look but didnt see them.
Something else im wondering, if I make a custom story with AMFP assets can the assets be located in a folder within the custom story folder or will users need to add them to their base Amnesia folders too?