Just an idea to see if this might be handy for all those who need inspiration for scary things to implent in their own made stories.
So, simply said, a topic where people can post ideas for scary things to implent in a level, perhaps Frictional might like this to read too, I do hope so.
Well, some of my ideas.
-Something is closer to you than you think.
Triggering sounds very close to the player to give him/her the feeling that something is sneaking very close behind the player, best applied in a corridor or open space with lots of dark places for dark beings to pop-up.
-Better close this door no-... Aah!
A tricky one maybe, but, when entering a room where the door opens towards the room entered, spawn an enemy right behind the door when player either is about to get past the opened door or when trying to close it while inside the room, this will probably manage to take 5 years of the player's life.

(Might be tricky, don't know the limits of the engine and scripts.)
-Oooh, wardrobe, there's probably some tinder in the-...
Dunno if a monster fits in it, but spawn an enemy inside a closet when player tries to open it. Even though this might be a good scare due to being totally unexpected, reason for monster to be in a closet might make this idea less of a good idea.
Well, got some down, hope others will come up with scary or even nasty scare ideas too.