Hey. I'm glad you liked them!. Positive feedback really motivates me to make more, maybe soon -if I find the time- I could make one for SOMA.
As for your problem, the solution Mud gave should have worked.
Here is a batch to launch Justine, just to exclude any mod related problem.
And I included some debug messages to help us find the problem.
You just need a batch file (copy or make one) where Amnesia.exe is and copy&paste the code below.
@echo off
echo ===========================
echo DEBUG
echo ===========================
echo User name is [ %USERNAME% ]
echo Home path is [ %HOMEPATH% ]
echo Working Directory is [ %cd% ]
echo Batch is located at [ %~dp0 ]
echo Batch full path is [ %~dpnx0 ]
echo Trying to launch Amnesia...
@echo on
cd %~dp0
Amnesia.exe config/ptest_main_init.cfg
@echo off
When you run it, it should show you some debug info. It pauses, then tries to launch the game the way Mudbill said. If it can't open Amnesia, you should be able to read an error. Post results here please.