(05-10-2016, 04:01 AM)Daemian Wrote: Are you sure you copied everything? .snt and .ogg ?
Did you include too the entry in your resources.cfg ? (myMod/sounds)
Im sure I copied everything. I actually dont have a resources.cfg file. Probably why it isnt working?
(05-10-2016, 01:06 PM)Romulator Wrote: Play the level, let the pigmen walk around, exit, then view the hpl.log file appropriate for your mod. It will tell you what sounds are missing or not playing. Take them from AAMFP's directory and place them somewhere in your mod's folder, whether it is a full conversion or custom story.
There is only the standard hpl log in the main amnesia folder, and all it says is 'ERROR: Unable to open config file 'MainEditorSettings.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!'