As of now, tinderboxes and candles feel so artificial. What should be done in the next game is to have the ability to grab the torch or the candle you just lighted and hold it. If Amnesia is a game about immersing yourself, why should we be restrained by video game limits and conserving your oil? Any sane man in real life would light a torch from a wall and yank it out IMO. Maybe Daniel's sanity is too low to do it

It would also be neat to have a freehand system when holding. Let's say you could pick up a torch, the problem is you would just hold it in front of your face. An easy solution for that is to have a button enabling you to position the object your holding at a 2D plane facing you.
Also IMO Daniel is way too strong in this game. He can just pick up crates most likely filled with something and launch them across the room, with only his right hand!