(09-29-2010, 08:26 AM)Equil Wrote: Edit>Options>Resolution, change it to a larger size if you want a larger window. I don't think it can be maximized. This is just for the level editor though, I haven't touched the other editors yet.
I have tried what you said, but it didn't do anything to change the window size. I think that setting has something to do with the resolution in game, but I'm not sure.
(09-29-2010, 11:40 AM)Alienchild Wrote: Unfortunately the editors are made in FGs own GUI (probarbly the same renderer as the game), which in turn needs to be restarted to change the size of the screen.
If that is the case, Is it the computer's GUI or does the game have one itself? And how do you go about resetting it? (As I said in original post, I'm a bit of a computer noob).