A couple of tips...
I don't know if these has been addressed before but here goes;
1) New materials not showing up in LevelEditor
For some reason it doesn't support jpg. If you save the textures as .dds then it will display.
Edit: I am mistaken. This is actually due to the lightness on the material being set extremely high for some reason. I was simply zoomed far in on the texture when I tested it with dds.
2) nVidia DDS/NormalMap utilities not installing correctly
If you are having problems with Photoshop and the nVidia tools not installing correctly (that is, not appearing within Photoshop) then you are most likely running 64bit photoshop. The plugins simply doesnt show up in the 64bit version. Install them instead in the x86 installation folder and use the 32bit version of Photoshop.