(10-12-2010, 10:55 PM)LoneWolf Wrote: Thanks it now works. But i just realised that i have another problem...
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_MYNOTE_Name"> Diary 1</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_MYNOTE_Text">Day 42 - I am beginning to lose it. I feel like i have been trapped here forever. I see things i shouldnt. I'm going to do something i may regret but its my only hope.</Entry>
This is supposed to work for a note i have, i put down the note object and called it 'MYNOTE', what have i missed?
I also added this into the callfunc part - EntityCallPickNote
You are not really supposed to have "EntityCallPickNote" if you want the player to pick it up. Just go in the editor to "Entities/Item/note_generic"
There are also other different looking notes like "note_letter", "note_manual", "note_paper01", and "note_scroll". Once you placed the note you want, you select it with your mouse. Then go to the "Entity" tab and then near the bottom is "NoteText". So then put in "MYNOTE" which you had in the scripts above. Then when you click on the note while playing, you can read it.