Hello, i have not yet tried the tools and i am not experienced in any way when it comes to scripting, but still i want to give it a try.
so here is the question, i tried 2 install the tools: have them in my game directory and then i followed the tutorial on how to set up a dev environment
and now i cant even seem to launch the game at all,i do believe i have done everything correct but i will leave my main_settings.cfg & user_settings.cfg
main_settings.cfg (Size: 1.15 KB / Downloads: 229)
user_settings.cfg (Size: 333 bytes / Downloads: 222)
thanks in advance for all help and answears
Edit: i deleted(moved them out of the folder, incase i need them for later) and i am now able to launch the game again, but i still dont have acces to the tools