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Tau base: how to handle monster (no spoilers please)
Caterpillar Offline

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Tau base: how to handle monster (no spoilers please)

Hi everybody. I need some suggestions (without spoilers) about how to handle the monster that you find when you just entered the Tau base. He keeps following me and it is almost impossible to hide and at the same time to explore the base. It causes me a lot of anxiety lol
12-16-2016, 09:50 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Tau base: how to handle monster (no spoilers please)

Take your time in this area. There are some rooms where you can hide from him and avoid him. As I recall, there is a table you can get under or behind which provides some lovely cover for you. When you open the door, don't just stand around. Open it up and move around a little. He is quick when he knows where the player is, but there are ways to slow him down if he is nearby.

Or, here's a spoiler tag for a proper explanation. Not a spoiler, but his mechanic, which, once seen, will make everything a whole lot easier, but also can ruin the experience.

Spoiler below!
The monster is similar to a Weeping Angel. When you look at it, it stops moving, but it doesn't stop remaining hostile. Look away, then look back, rinse, repeat.

Best of luck! Smile

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
12-17-2016, 01:19 AM
Caterpillar Offline

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RE: Tau base: how to handle monster (no spoilers please)

After a lot of tries (switching off the lights, etc.) I had to uncover the spoiler.
Thank you for your help.

Spoiler below!
P.S. a funny thing: if you go into the room that contains the suits cabins and you close inside the opened one, the monster cannot do anything to you
12-20-2016, 02:25 PM

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