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Post Your Desktop
Luis Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

Ye it's Linux... and nice looking KDE I must say Smile
Which version/addons/applets/whatever have you got on that timonator?

02-13-2007, 03:24 PM
timonator Offline

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RE: Post Your Desktop

yep, it's gentoo linux to be exact (but that's of no importance)
it's running beryl with aquamarine and Polyester as window decorations (i think this could possibly be not the polyester that i actually run)
this as the wallpaper: Relax in the Sun
this is the iconset: BC Tango KDE
the terminal is urxvt (some distros call the package "rxvt-unicode") with those .Xdefaults

the jabber client is the gorgeous psi
the ICQ client is LICQ

in the corner you can see the icon of beryl-manager, next to it basKet note pads, KGPG and Amarok.

the IRC client in the terminal below is the lovely irssi running on the server that also hosts all my webspace. it is put into a GNU screen session.

the screenshot also features the icons of my two windows partitions which have not been touched at all for at least 9 months or more.

and i think that's about all you need to recreate my desktop.
but just a few hours ago i added superkaramba with the SoundMania thingie in the upper left corner Smile

and thanks for the compliment Big Grin
02-13-2007, 11:32 PM
Luis Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

You're welcome.. you know, I always had this weakness for KDE.. its sooo cute it hurts Tongue
Btw.. I once tried to install a gentoo in my box, and somehow it blew up on me.. I think it was some big bad packet on the CD, cos I was following TFM step by step... that made me fall back to debian after Tongue... and to WXP a bit later. Seriously, microsoft definitely should release a linux version of visual studio, so that I could move to linux once and for all xD

Now that was a stupid post

EDIT: Well my desktop aint that nice to look at, I think its funny at least

02-14-2007, 01:15 AM
Dark Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

mmmh, (cmd, start desktop analysis)
audacity, flv player, fraps, gspot, ctrl panel for joysticks, blender, flash, msn, flashget, filezilla client, crimson editor, firefox, ms visual studio and some mfc thing, and tonno libre del anillo (> that porn :p)
1. you spanish or so?
2. i have tried ubuntu linux but couldnt get into it (yeah i know you cant just jump right into it)
anyone got a suggestion on a linux i should take?

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
02-14-2007, 07:10 PM
Luis Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

xDDDD, you missed some... change "ctrl panel for joysticks" to JoyToKey, and "flv player" to VLC player Tongue. Don't have flash around, and dunno which one you're saying its mfc stuff :S

Btw ye, I'm spanish. And if you're looking to get into some linux, try Mandriva, Fedora or well, ubuntu should do, its pretty user friendly I must say, but you know you're gonna have to get used to read manuals and stuff Tongue

PD: and about "tono libre del anillo"... that aint porn.. lemme explain: this thingy is to spanish like "all your base are belong to us" is to english. Bad translations are funny as hell Tongue. Pic below btw. And some funny PostIt ad too.

02-15-2007, 01:15 AM
Dark Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

oh ok
that mandriva isent free by the look of that buy where links Confused
fedora is a bit big to download atm
but woch one are you using? il get that then :p

and that mfc thing is next to visual studio
i allso ment vlc player :p (my dad needed a converter for flv files Confused)

and about that pics:
first one: i dont get it but its a hot chick so i do not care XD
second: lol just plain lol :p

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
02-15-2007, 05:34 PM
Luis Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop


Okay, what you though mfc stuff is really Code::Blocks, a free dev IDE

Wow, Mandriva just got a brand new übercorporate feeling to it Tongue...I kinda miss the Mandrake years. There still is this free version which only packs free software, I see the others got some proprietary stuff + support. You can get it here.

Right now I've got a Fedora Core 6 installed in some partition, but I lost access to it when I reinstalled WXP, and I've been too busy to fix that Tongue (and felt too lazy, who am I gonna fool...). For a start, I would go Mandriva or Ubuntu. And I even would try some live CD rather than doing an install.

Whatever you choose, try setting KDE as desktop, as it's more like win, and will hurt less Tongue

02-15-2007, 07:08 PM
Dark Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

ok then :p
im gonna order some 64bit cds of ubuntu (theyr free so who cares :p)
is fedora a good one to?

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
02-16-2007, 10:35 PM
Gyne Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

H-K Wrote:You're welcome.. you know, I always had this weakness for KDE.. its sooo cute it hurts Tongue
Btw.. I once tried to install a gentoo in my box, and somehow it blew up on me.. I think it was some big bad packet on the CD, cos I was following TFM step by step... that made me fall back to debian after Tongue... and to WXP a bit later. Seriously, microsoft definitely should release a linux version of visual studio, so that I could move to linux once and for all xD

Now that was a stupid post

EDIT: Well my desktop aint that nice to look at, I think its funny at least

LOL, i like that.
02-19-2007, 11:44 PM
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cuber3 Offline
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RE: Post Your Desktop

Mmm, I like blue Smile
I used to have a dock as well, I might reinstall it, not sure yet Big Grin

[Image: desktopok6.png]
04-02-2007, 03:42 PM

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