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'Override' gameplay idea
Radiance Offline
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Lightbulb  'Override' gameplay idea

In Horizon Zero Dawn when player is very close to enemy A.I. and not detected by it,
there is override function to switch their behaviour.

Spoiler below!
[Image: 1132145416.jpg]

I was thinking this would be very native gameplay feature in SOMA for all non-organic creatures.
Lore behind it would be: you are messing something with WAU connection and that way you're changing their behaviour.

First encounter happens with construct creature.
I was thinking doing this way in the area with the broken bridge.
Spoiler below!
[Image: soma.jpg]
I would add 4 constructs with one of them circling around the exit of this area (stairs exit). It would always spot the player and it would be unavoidable.
Others 3 will be going around the room.

So, player would need to figure out how to get to the exit point:
  1. he would lure one of the constructs upon the broken bridge so it would be stuck there
  2. next he could stealth near other constructs and override their WAU connection
    (in the game this would be new UI function when player is not detected similar to HZD)
  3. these 2 constructs would change the behaviour so the one standing near the exit point would attack them and the player could get through to stairs exit

In HZD this override mechanics is much simplified. You wait for the UI bar to fill up.
In Soma there could be some weight to it. Player would need to collect enough structure gel in inventory, and for every non-organic creature it would need different amount of structure gel to override it. Player would need to figure it out how much.

Here comes level exploration because then you would gain interest to find as much structure gel as possible.

If you don't want to override mechanical creatures (or don't have enough gel), one would have to find another way to get by them or disable them in different manner.

At first player would not know what is structre gel or WAU. It would be a mystery gameplay feature he would learn step by step as the story goes on.
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2017, 11:28 AM by Radiance.)
04-22-2017, 02:07 AM

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