First off you go to the mods page and click
Add Mod
All the fields with a * must be filled.
- Logo: You need a 1024x768 image file that you can upload.
- Release date: If you don't know when you'll release it, set it to TBD (To be decided).
- Genre: Pick a genre that fits your mod, like Action or Stealth.
- Theme: Similar as genre, pick one that fits.
- Player: For Amnesia mods, use Single Player.
- Game: Pick Amnesia The Dark Descent.
- Developer: I think you can leave this as "No development group".
- Name: Self explanatory
- Description: Write a short description about your mod.
Hit Save Mod. You will then need to upload the mod, which I can't see since I just looked at the page. After you upload it, it'll be held for virus scan for a while and then be available.