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Save Game Request - Theta Tunnel
linux.alucard Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 5
Threads: 1
Joined: Jan 2018
Reputation: 0
Save Game Request - Theta Tunnel

hi Guys!

Theta tunnels level: at the starting point the monster will not attack me, just follow me ... Sad

Would someone send me the save location of the theta tunnel?

Thanks, and sorry for my English!!

LOG file:

Quote:Game Running
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Loading keybinds - file version:5
--- Started streaming map 'main_menu' ---
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Delayed function: object:
-------------- LOADING GAME -----------------
Started loading save file AutoSave_02-06-theta-tunnels_2018_1_6_15_38_20_0.sav
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Map script loading started
Map script loading completed
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
Loading keybinds - file version:5
--- Started streaming map '02_06_theta_tunnels' ---
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'particles/slime/materials/oil_splashes01.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'particles/slime/materials/oil_splashes01.mat'
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/organic/mind_coral/mind_coral_colony_edges_small_solid.mat'
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: More than 4 bones on a vertex in submesh 'Mesh' in mesh 'puppet_dreamer_male.msh' !
WARNING: More than 4 bones on a vertex in submesh 'female' in mesh 'puppet_dreamer_female.msh' !
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_addon_wall_lab_animated_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_addon_wall_lab_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_addon_wall_lab_animated_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_addon_wall_lab_animated.ent'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'brandon_corpse_id_1' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_lab_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_4_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_lab_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_5_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_lab_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_lab_animated.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'solipsist_machine_dead_1_Body_main' in 'entities/robot/special/01_01_solipsist_machine_dead/solipsist_machine_dead.ent'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_body_2'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_body_3'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_drawer_top'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_1'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_2'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_3'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_4'
ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_3'
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'clipboard_security_stafflist_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/clipboard_security_stafflist/clipboard_security_stafflist.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_ark_mission_01_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit_ark_mission_xx/note_postit_ark_mission_xx.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_ark_mission_01_2' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit_ark_mission_xx/note_postit_ark_mission_xx.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_ark_mission_01_3' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit_ark_mission_xx/note_postit_ark_mission_xx.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'photo_ark_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/photo_theta_personnel/photo_ark.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_5'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_7'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_8'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_9'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_11'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_12'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_6'
WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_large_drawer_10'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'puppet_victim_1'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_7_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_lab_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_8_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_lab_animated.ent'
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_addon_wall_animated_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_addon_wall_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_addon_wall_animated_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_addon_wall_animated.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'cardboard02_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/debris/cardboard/cardboard02.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'foodbox01_open_1_Body_box' in 'entities/station/debris/foodbox_xx/foodbox01_open.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'puppet_victim_2'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'puppet_victim_masters'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity '01_05_transporter_passenger_4_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_05_transporter_passenger/01_05_transporter_passenger_door.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity '01_05_transporter_passenger_5_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_05_transporter_passenger/01_05_transporter_passenger_door.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_lab_animated_11_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_lab_animated_12_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_lab_animated_13_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_10_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_11_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_12_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'ScannerDoor_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/02_06_scan_chamber/02_06_scan_chamber_door.ent'
ERROR: CrossHairState 'UseTool_Insert' does not exist
ERROR: Could not find entity brandon_chip which brandon_corpse_1 should be attached to.
ERROR: Could not find body file_cabinet_drawer_top_Body_1 in entity file_cabinet_drawer_top which security_tasklist_01_1 should be attached to.
ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'TunnelEntrance_doorpanel_broken' for Tool Area 'ToolArea_UnformattedChip_1'
ERROR: Connected sound 'dr_office_spot_4' for soundscape area 'AMB_DoctorsOffice_1' does not exist!
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 482 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 482 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 482 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 482 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'Recreated Entity' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/photo_theta_personnel/photo_ark.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
--- Started streaming map '02_07_theta_exit' ---
-------------- LOADING GAME COMPLETE -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
WARNING: More than 4 bones on a vertex in submesh 'suit' in mesh 'simon_legs_divingsuit.msh' !
WARNING: More than 4 bones on a vertex in submesh 'suit_new' in mesh 'simon_legs_divingsuit.msh' !
WARNING: More than 4 bones on a vertex in submesh 'maggot_girl_body' in mesh 'maggot_girl.msh' !
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right_1_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right_1_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left_1_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left_1_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right_2_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right_2_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_right.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left_2_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left_2_Body_1' in 'entities/oceanbottom/door/theta_gate_inner_layer/theta_gate_inner_layer_door_left.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'dreamer_2'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'VictimStrohmeier'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'mvictim_stading_01'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'mvictim_stading_02'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_female.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'mind_coral_victim01_23'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_lab_animated_5_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_lab_animated_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_lab_animated_7_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_4_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'generator_fan_unit_blades_5_Body_1' in 'entities/station/machines/generator_habitat/generator_fan_unit_blades.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'fan_roof_animated_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/utility/fan_inset/fan_roof_animated.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'cardboard02_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/debris/cardboard/cardboard02.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'mind_coral_victim_alive_1'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity SimonDreamHands: Skeletons in mesh file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'VictimGoya'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'walk' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'walk' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'ceiling_falldown' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'ceiling_falldown' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'walk' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'walk' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'ceiling_falldown' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'ceiling_falldown' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'walk' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'walk' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'ceiling_falldown' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'ceiling_falldown' for entity 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/mindcoral/puppet_2/puppet_2.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/mindcoral/maggot_girl/maggot_girl.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity '01_05_transporter_passenger_4_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_05_transporter_passenger/01_05_transporter_passenger_door.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity '01_05_transporter_passenger_5_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_05_transporter_passenger/01_05_transporter_passenger_door.ent'
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Headtracker bone name array is emtpy or do not match size of bone muls for entity 'entities/character/station/puppet_dreamer/puppet_dreamer_male.ent'
ERROR: Could not find headbone 'Head' in entity 'VictimFrost'
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_1_(Conflict1)'
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_2'
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_3'
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_4'
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_5'
ERROR: Could not find sound entity puppet_tunnel_SpotPlayer in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Puppet Wander could not find a goal position!
ERROR: Could not find sound entity MenuBGNoise in Sound_Stop
Loading keybinds - file version:5
--- Started streaming map 'main_menu' ---
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2018, 12:01 PM by linux.alucard.)
01-09-2018, 11:21 AM
Romulator Offline
Not Tech Support ;-)

Posts: 3,628
Threads: 63
Joined: Jan 2013
Reputation: 195
RE: Save Game Request - Theta Tunnel

First perform a Steam File Integrity Check, then try loading an earlier save from the Load Game Option in the main menu.

Please see Problem I and Problem L in the SOMA Troubleshooting Guide if you require more assistance there. Otherwise I'm sure someone else can provide a save for you. Smile

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
01-09-2018, 03:04 PM
linux.alucard Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 5
Threads: 1
Joined: Jan 2018
Reputation: 0
RE: Save Game Request - Theta Tunnel

(01-09-2018, 03:04 PM)Romulator Wrote: First perform a Steam File Integrity Check, then try loading an earlier save from the Load Game Option in the main menu.

Please see Problem I and Problem L in the SOMA Troubleshooting Guide if you require more assistance there. Otherwise I'm sure someone else can provide a save for you. Smile

Thanks Romulator, but yesterday I tried all, (+reinstall) did not help!
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2018, 04:20 PM by linux.alucard.)
01-09-2018, 04:19 PM
linux.alucard Offline
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RE: Save Game Request - Theta Tunnel

(01-09-2018, 03:04 PM)Romulator Wrote: Otherwise I'm sure someone else can provide a save for you. Smile

It does not seem to me... :/
01-10-2018, 11:36 AM
linux.alucard Offline
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RE: Save Game Request - Theta Tunnel

I would be grateful if somebody attached a Tunnel (Theta Labs) game save so I wouldn't have to quit the whole show for a such bug,as both the story line and the atmosphere are just great!

I've attached my save game files!

Attached Files
.zip   saves.zip (Size: 1.59 MB / Downloads: 268)
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2018, 10:54 AM by linux.alucard.)
01-11-2018, 10:49 AM

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