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Custom story: Asylum [WiP]
DIGI Byte Offline
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Custom story: Asylum [WiP]

well since I was forced to cancel courage I'm going to push to a more direct story horror as Courage was technically impossible with the HLP2 engine

its going to be in some sort of mad house, similar to an asylum/prison

I'm currently playing with names and brain storming on how things should play out, and with my style of creativity I'm still going to be playing with parallel worlds and portals to change the pace once and a while, while still keeping with an uneasy atmosphere

I would probably use those parallel worlds and portals as flashbacks and use them to play on the main characters story, like to re-live sequences from his past

unlike courage, which was supposed to be a dark adventure game, asylum will be a heavily story based game, I'm also thinking of bringing someone into the game, like red

Spoiler below!

>Wake up in a house, immediate danger is present and a darkness is around you, you walk into a room with some people talking, goes blurrier as the player walks in
>lights flicker off and the player is teleported into the center of the room, plays an animation of them holding a bloody knife and dead bodies around
>fades to black and fades in with police chatter and red/blue lights and siren a police figure stands in front, still blurry eyed and heart beating before a gun shot and instant blackness
>find yourself strapped to a table with some doctors around and sounds of them operating and hear them removing the bullet
>lights flicker out and darkness crawls over the walls, screams and crashing sounds before going dark and waking up in the medical room of a prison/asylum, everyone is dead, except you

Map Designs
>mostly cell like, often using tiled walls and floors (easy to clean up blood)
>blood splats and other bloody marks around often leading to flickering lights and dark air vents
>the facility will be completely self sufficient, in built power generators, gas and water, in built sewer hydration system

Game play
>other then just walking around you'll find notes from doctors and a few things, like how to open doors and code access and other misc things
>you'll make a friend over the radio who has helped a few other people escape, he'll guide you through the game and inform you with solutions if anything goes wrong like needing the power restored and other things

Custom story selection:
Spoiler below!
[Image: asylumdisplay.jpg]
I'll note down any ideas and brain storming in the games design below
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2011, 02:19 PM by DIGI Byte.)
01-01-2011, 05:38 AM
DIGI Byte Offline
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RE: Custom story: Asylum [WiP]

I've been playing around with ideas for the splash screen, trying to keep in theme with amnesia but giving it, its own feel.

.jpg   asylum_splash.jpg (Size: 90.72 KB / Downloads: 590)

.jpg   asylum_splash_alt.jpg (Size: 90.74 KB / Downloads: 450)
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2011, 11:19 AM by DIGI Byte.)
01-01-2011, 11:16 AM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Custom story: Asylum [WiP]

Darkness Within is already used in commercial game.
Haunting Memories sounds OK to me, since it has actually something to do with Asylum.

01-01-2011, 11:30 AM
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DIGI Byte Offline
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RE: Custom story: Asylum [WiP]

First concept, he's a former guard who will guide you around the maze of a prison and be your moral support, he guided some former people to safety but the security override locked him in and he needs your help to get out as well as you need him.

.jpg   asylum_concept_monitor station.jpg (Size: 123.59 KB / Downloads: 437)
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2011, 12:24 PM by DIGI Byte.)
01-01-2011, 12:16 PM
DIGI Byte Offline
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RE: Custom story: Asylum [WiP]


I have drawn a layout of the Asylum, so we have a goal on how our maps are going to be set out and related to each other,
Click to show the map
Spoiler below!

.png   asylum.png (Size: 31.88 KB / Downloads: 296)

It will be redrawn at a later stage and implemented in-game as a makeshift map on torn paper

On a side note, for the development our friend xiphirx will be assisting me, helping develop an immersible story and frights to go along with it

Edit, yes there are spelling mistakes, its late here and I'm tired.
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2011, 11:35 AM by DIGI Byte.)
01-01-2011, 02:24 PM

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