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Randomized Amnesia Test 1
TIHan Offline
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Randomized Amnesia Test 1

So, what is this?
This is a tiny custom story test for Amnesia. It has just one map in it that is pretty much the study map in Amnesia but a lot has been modified. The significance of this custom story is to show off what it would be like for Amnesia to have some awesome replay value.

What replay value?
Almost every light being lit, potion oil spawns, and tinderbox spawns are all randomized at the start of the map. Therefore, making your play through unique each time.

Is this going to be a full blown project?
Heh, I would love for it to be. You really have to have a dedicated team. I, myself, have dedication problems with my own projects. Hopefully, this will not be one of them. That is why I am releasing a test map to get the idea flowing around. Maybe somebody can take after my idea if I don't go all the way with it.

Do monsters have randomized spawns?
There are no monsters in the map. I haven't even been able to experience a monster in Amnesia yet; I've only seen my friends play. I am absolutely terrified of this game and its enemies; therefore, mod making is much more difficult for me when it comes to monster spawns. Big Grin

Are you a baby?

What other ideas do you have for this?
The biggest idea would be to have randomized and probability monster spawns. Example: There is a 2% chance every 2 seconds for a monster to spawn depending on what room you are in. When the monster spawns, it might spawn in a different location as well. Probabilities could increase depending on your sanity or what items you have. Random scary events are also an interesting idea. Example: 10% chance every 15 seconds for doors to blow open.

The one thing that bothered me in Amnesia is the fact that I know what is going to happen when I watch someone else play; therefore, killing the full experience for me. So, here is a solution. Make everything unpredictable.

Why did you use the study map?
I started out with the study map because I wanted to have a simple design immediately at hand so I can get used to item placement, scripting, and lighting right away. The lighting in the map took me the longest over everything that I had to do in this custom story. A lot has been revamped completely though.

Why would I want to test this incomplete custom story?
You do not have to. I am simply wanting to get the idea of a unique play through experience for Amnesia out there.

Why are there no screenshots?
Well for one, you could say I am a bit lazy on that matter. But, there is nothing to really show screenshot wise. You have to play through it for the experience to really see what is going on.

Difficulty ideas?
I plan on making the custom story, if I am still going to continue with it, to be much more difficult and far far less forgiving than the original Amnesia.

Where is the download link?

Systems Development Life Cycle for Amnesia

1. What does the user want? Replay value.
2. What are we going to do? Randomized spawns and probabilities.
3. How are we going to do it? AngelScript using RandInt and Arrays a lot Big Grin
4. Implementation? http://www.mediafire.com/?116d24kcffv1g51 Tongue
5. Maintenance? Oh boy.Angel
(This post was last modified: 01-24-2011, 12:51 AM by TIHan.)
01-24-2011, 12:48 AM
Hiper Offline
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RE: Randomized Amnesia Test 1

Nice idea.

I tried it 3 times in a row and didnt notice much change apart from some tinderboxes but is a nice start indeed.

If you can figure how to spawn monsters randomly,it could be like the next step in amnesia stories.

01-29-2011, 08:47 PM
TIHan Offline
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RE: Randomized Amnesia Test 1

(01-29-2011, 08:47 PM)Hiper Wrote: If you can figure how to spawn monsters randomly,it could be like the next step in amnesia stories.

You can do random monster spawns exactly as I did random tinderbox spawns. The only difference is that a monster needs to spawn where the monster isn't in the player's sight. You can accomplish this by having different Areas to tell the game where to spawn a monster based on the Area the player is in.
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2011, 06:48 AM by TIHan.)
01-31-2011, 06:47 AM
thesnake Offline
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RE: Randomized Amnesia Test 1

You should try making a test map with random monster spawns just to show people what you are capable of.
02-07-2011, 12:58 AM

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