As far as standing on higher levels goes, and any other method of tricking the monsters out of being able to get to you, I've found that it works sometimes. Some people who've played the game swear by the methods (either the getting up on a higher level method or the hold a box/drawer in front of your face and pray method).
However, during gameplay, while I would usually run and hide in a corner like you're supposed to do (which is also, coincidentally, the most surefire way to get rid of the monster), before I figured that and the monster spawn sounds out I would usually run smack into them then try and find various ways to avoid them which usually involved getting stuck in an enclosed space with them. I did the following things on separate occasions with varying levels of success:
1. jumped up on a pile of permanent crates at one point–major fail, Mr. Face still got me (I think this was in storage)
2. held a box I found in one of the corridors of the prison in front of my face-surprising success, somehow I got it close enough to my face where it blocked almost my entire field of vision and only caught slivers of the monster when he walked within about a foot of me, and just moved the box to cover him from my eyes and he eventually wandered off
3. tried the box trick again, couldn't get it close enough to my face (or maybe the monster saw me pick up the box, not sure), failed miserably, monster slashed straight through it.
4. Tried to hop up onto the pillar in the choir when I was being chased by a brute, had a few minutes of you-can't-get-me-ha-ha then he seemed to walk away and came back on a higher level and 1HK'd me.
5. Also on a gameplay I was deliberately trying to cheat (after I'd beaten the game the right way, I was just fooling around), I was curious if the avoid-the-capture-scene cheat really worked (in the chancel when you have the orb pieces, a successful run is on youtube somewhere) and I hopped up on the pillar platforms but they still came and they definitely reached me up there... didn't try that again.
So, what I'd say is that while these tricks do occasionally work, especially if you know the limitations and how to use them, for the most part I've found the monsters still get you eventually no matter what method you're doing if you get the chase sound. Or maybe I just suck.
(tried it in Penumbra too because I figured the dog was even shorter than the Amnesia monsters and wouldn't be able to get at me, but the stupid thing climbed up on some barrels and ate my face off, it's very athletic apparently).