I bought penumbra with the HIB2 and I have found that the source code only compiles in 32bits... and with some difficulties.
After some time I pick the branch "Newton2" and upgraded angelscript to the current development version, removed the last small dependency of fltk and fix some other minor problems so now I have a 64 bits executable that links with all the system libraries.
The game works well and I have found the same bug as the person who makes the Newton2 port (hitting any object causes instant death) So now to continue I need to solve this collision problem. Someone has investigated it? Any idea to solve it?
I'd start with the code that cause the instant death and trace backwards to figure out how it got there. I believe it is because the collision didn't actually occur, so you will also want to trace though the collision callback. Your resource here is going to be the newton game dynamics website.
Developing away on one of
Multiple Macs running 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9.
Linux, 8-core AMD, 8GB RAM, Fedora 18, nVidia 450 1GB
I heard they just went open source, that might speed things up a bit
let me know if you make any progress, I'd love to be able to build a 64bit build for myself
I'm the guy who created the Newton2 branch but I never did figure out the problem. There was more success in DirtY iCE's thread but there are other problems there too.