About the music part.
As long as I don't put StopMusic in the callback function, the music that was playing before the areamusic kicked in, continues automatically after the areamusic has stopped playing. Thanks everyone who put time in trying to figure this out for me.
My first question involves the amount of oil, when you first pick up the lantern.
Is there a script that sets the amount of oil to less than 100% when you first pick it up? What I mean is, when you find the lantern, it's only half full.
My second question involves music in my custom story.
I have set this in my script:
void OnStart()
PlayMusic("12_amb.ogg", true, 1, 4, 0, true);
Now, is it possible for this music to resume, after I've hit a CollideCallback area that plays a specific musicfile that doesn't loop?
So to illustrate it:
- I start my level and 12_amb.ogg starts to play
- I walk inside a room, hit a collidearea and insertoggfilehere.ogg starts to play
- insertoggfilehere.ogg finishes
- 12_amb.ogg needs to resume playing.