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Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???
guitarhero15ful Offline
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Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

I just know this one when I explore my facebook about amnesia. and I found someone has made Amnesia The Dark Descent into novel.

[Image: 200648_1453611759394_1806309793_858147_1269565_n.jpg]

I ask this man about that novel and he said. "I'm not selling this novel, This novel is for my girlfriend cz she is a huge fan of Amnesia The Dark Descent."

I think that's pretty cool. The character of Daniel is changed into his girlfriend named Rachel too. LOL.

If u wanna read the plot line. here.

LOL LOL LOL Big Grin xD xD
03-10-2011, 07:35 PM
Deu sex Offline

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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

this kind of thing are pretty cool, but is that allowed ?

I know frictional games are not EA or Activision (HOPEFULLY) and wont ban anything showing too much content from the game (the whole plot !) but I just wanted to know if that was allowed ? just curious dont worry.
03-10-2011, 07:39 PM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

I highly doubt it's illegal, considering the massive amounts of fan fiction (for nearly everything) out there. Unless he attempts to sell it.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
03-10-2011, 08:31 PM
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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

yea, that was what I thought, but did he talked to FG about it ?
03-10-2011, 11:18 PM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

Why would he need to? I don't need to ask permission from Joss Whedon to write Firefly fanfic. It's not a published book, he just mocked up a cover for his fanfic.
03-11-2011, 12:21 AM
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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

okay, just to know, I love thoose fanmades things really, let me explain :

I am learning programming for videogames in a school and I have friends who finished it and lauched an indie game company and told me that laws about content in video games are very very hard so I was just curious about this to know if that's allowed.

but as long as frictional games is an indie game company, they dont give a shit because there is not a publisher who tell them orders so they are the one who decides in fact thats right ?

so thats completly up to frictional games they havent got "laws obligations" or something because they are indie ?

I must admit my question is very innapropriate to this thread (sorry for that), and thats a very beatiful thing to do for his girlfriend that to write a book about an exellent game.

I have friends (girl) who really hates videogames (bad image...) but when I told them the story of the game they semmed suddently very interested about daniel's story...

...so bad video games still have a cheap emotional image for some people, but all of that are lot of questions/reflexions in just one post so I stop that here !
03-11-2011, 01:21 AM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

I don't know what you mean by law obligations, a company is not obligated to pursue derivative works of their intellectual property.

Fan fiction is by definition unpublished freely distributed transformative product that is generally protected by the fair use laws in the US or equivalent elsewhere.

This book in particular 1. isn't even distributed, 2. and it's in Indonesia, so there's no incentive to pursue legal action, and I have no idea what Indonesian copyright law looks like.
03-11-2011, 02:34 AM
Deu sex Offline

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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

thank you thats interesting to know, i didnt even know thoose kind of things depends of the county'law ! so as you can see, I'm really bad at thoose things ^^
03-11-2011, 03:14 AM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Someone has made Amnesia into Horror Novel???

Yes, all laws are on a country by country basis. There are allegedly international laws, but they irregularly enforced and of dubious power. I think Israel and China in particular do not respect international copyright.
03-11-2011, 03:28 AM

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